Fast forward a few years…. 2016 !
20 years elapsed since “The Box”, so much had happened: graduated in Physics and Chemistry, teached for a while, started work in Nulcear Fusion, got married, twins, PhD, moved to the UK….. Although some of this might become part of a post later, in summary I was far far from my teen years and the box I had made, but the desire to work with wood stayed buried, dormant, inside me for all those years.
Living in the UK I had a small garage, probably like most of the garages in the UK or at least the ones I had seen :D. The garage was small enough that a car couldn’t fit through the door, that was perfect.
I decided to buy a few power tools, circular saw, router, sander, drill and setup a small bench in my garage. Although limited in space -and in time- it was the perfect place to spend 1-2 hours when I could. My daughters would occasionally join, bringing even more joy to the woodworking experience. Amongst other things I decided to revisit the box which had started all this .
What was achieved was an improvement from box N.1, let’s call it Box version 1.1, but using construction lumber wasn’t the greatest idea….. box revisited (project I)
Far again from perfection, it just cemented in me the fact that woodworking was my passion…